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I know, I know…  And I was doing so well with the updates too.  Shit.

Trips to China, Vegas, New Orleans, Columbus, Chicago and London have prevented me from my regular writing duties, but now home for a little bit and will be working on some traveloguing, some sex and a just a little snark.  I have a busier-than-expected late Spring, taking me as far away as Thailand and as close to home as a visit back to San Antonio, my old stomping ground.

In the meantime, why not keep yourself busy browsing through the 15MM archive, found on the left-hand menu.  I’ve been writing this monster since 2003 and remain one of the longest-running blogs in the industry.  While time has moved forward, my body gotten increasingly muscular and writing style sharpened to a razor edge, my main goal with 15MM has remained the same:  Keep people entertained.  Simple and effective.

Speaking of cheap entertainment, go check out all of the new uploaded pics in my gallery HERE, and while you’re at it, just follow me on TWITTER.  I’m far too lazy to get into the current Instagram craze, so you’ll just have to settle for a paltry 280 characters at a time…  And a fair amount of skin.



Thanks for staying tuned.  New content is in the pipeline,


