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Since I’m posting this up en-route to St. Lucia, I’ll keep it short and sweet for now. I’m getting back into San Antonio on Saturday, but plan on posting a Paradise Island/St Lucia wrap-up on the next blog (Thursday). For now, I’ll just share some industry gossip that’s crossed my ear and round out with this week’s EYE CANDY posting.

A FYI to all-impending escort retirees: Just because you’re on the way out doesn’t give you the right to start treating your remaining clients like dirt. Remember that the last client deserves five-star treatment just like the first client got. No excuses. Erections and orgasms are NOT optional.

WHICH West coast escort finds it too tough to disclose his HIV status up-front? This bombshell cutie may have the looks, stellar reviews and nomadic notions to continue his success for another few years, but his inability to tell the truth regarding his health is simply wrong. My sources tell me that he’s told clients point-blank that he’s NEGATIVE, then turns around after the meeting to tell of his real status (by email no less). How fucking sad is that? Rule of thumb: Assume that everyone you sleep with is HIV-positive. Wrap it up every time.

… and no, it’s not Adler. He’s fresh as a daisy.

For those who particularly enjoyed the English portion of the SAT’s, I’m introducing a new feature here on 15 Minutes: Cunning Linguistics. It’s a weekly dose of totally made up words that you can introduce into your own wordy ways. If you’ve got something to submit, click HERE and send us your best shot. We’d love to add it to the collection.

This week’s words:

CONFLAMA: (n)(cun-flah-muh) or, describing a really gay and dramatic situation.
‘If this bitch throws me anymore conflama, I swear I’m going to haul over there and throw down!’

B.L.I.P: (n)(blip) or, standing for ‘Black Lady in Pain’ (in reference to gospel music)
‘You know how I love me some Jennifer Holiday… She’s truly a BLIP when she belts!’

Last, but certainly not lesbian, we’ve got this week’s edition of the Eye Candy. I’m not going with a theme this week, but enjoy the rather muscular collection of guys and the ever-loved swimmer shots. Look for some rather spicy Latin guys in next week’s posting. Aye caramba!


‘I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.’ —- Charles ‘Penis Colossus’
