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Oy vey! 15 Minutes is on hiatus… But not for long.

I just recently bought a new home and the combination of moving while still traveling around is killer. I’m going to resume the blog on 4/30 when things have settled down, but until then, take some time and read through the archives (on the left-side menu). Look for trip resports from NYC and San Juan, along with an upcoming adventure into Italy. All that aside, i’m headed to Chicago tomorrow and should have some kind of interesting happening from the always-crowded Steamworks Sauna. Stay tuned por favor.

It’s interesting to see how the 15 has changed since it’s inception. I’m quite proud of it’s present state and thank EVERYONE, again, for keeping up with what i blather about on a weekly basis. I really appreciate it.

You can also take this little hiatus to join my YAHOO GROUP if you already haven’t. It’s fast, fun and free: What more could you want in life? Click HERE to sign-up with Yahoo and get in on the additional EYE CANDY, exclusive BN pics and much more. You can also sign up by clicking the Yahoo Groups logo on the left-side menu at the top.

As always, i’m reachable by email day or night. Please let me know if you’d like to see something added to the 15 Minutes mix or even if you’d just like to say hello or whatnot. I’m listening.

