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As you read this, I very well may be flying over the Atlantic, headed for London on a Virgin 747. Destination: a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. It’s a pretty long way just to hear a band play, but I’ve done it for McCartney (‘Sir Paul’ as he likes to be called) and I’m sure this trip won’t be the last time I do a 3500 mile turnaround. An adventure, especially one involving Virgin’s Upper Class cabin, is always worth the hell that time zones play on the body.

Replying to emails this morning, I was sitting here thinking about personal time and how much it’s worth in dollars. Granted, not everyone is a rocket scientist who has the fate of the world resting in his laboratory, but for better or worse, our time (wasted or not) is money. How much do you think yours is worth? I’m curious… And I’m listening.

Watching tv in Memphis the other day, I found myself enthralled by the shiny-goodness of Joan Rivers and her ever-expanding shlockfest of cheapo jewelry. I don’t know what was more entertaining: Watching the QVC host try not to look directly at Joan (and her over-tightened epidermis) like she was some sort of Medusa or listening to Rivers practically scream at the callers on the air to buy more.

QVC Host: Okay folks, only 100 more units to sell and Joan can go in for that bi-yearly browlift! Call now…

The show eventually changed to some consumer electronics showcase. That’s when it happened. I BOUGHT SOMETHING FROM QVC. From the second I saw that JVC HD Mini-DV, I knew it had to be mine. Maybe it was the sensuous way the host was holding the camera, but when they finally flashed the words ‘EZ-Pay’ on the screen, I dialed faster than a fat woman in Oklahoma City voting for Clay on American Idol. It was a dark day in Memphis after that. Life hasn’t been the same since I’ve been issued a ‘Membership Number’ with QVC. The package will soon be delivered, but damn if I won’t feel dirty accepting the box from the FedEx guy.

Seems that former D-Lister Kathy Griffin is finally calling it quits with her hubby, Matt. She openly accused him of theft on a recent episode of Larry King, telling King that she doesn’t trust him anymore and hasn’t seen or talked with him in over 2 months. How incredibly sad. I know that Griffin has read 15 Minutes in the past and if she’s reading this week, I truly hope she’s on the up & up. Kathy’s always been A-List around here…

Reichen and Bass (left to right)

Lance Bass, formerly of boyband N’Sync and reality show stud Reichen hooked up? That’s what we heard from a source at Atlantic House in Provincetown. Oh dear. Why is it that I can’t imagine either of them being the top…

Oy, Barbara Streisand did porn? You betcha! Thanks to the good people at eBay, the world can now bid on an authentic Babs stag film. I don’t know whether to grin or vomit here, but it gives me a whole new view of her Dolly Levi. I bet Horace didn’t know she was such a minx in the bedroom.

While the whole eBay thing is somewhat played out, I’m giving you the scoop regarding an exclusive opportunity to ‘Bid on Benjamin,’ benefitting BC/EFA (Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS). This auction will be exclusively through eBay and will (hopefully) soon go live. I’ll post the link when I get the greenlight from eBay, but for now keep an eye out and stay tuned to the 15 for more info on this wacky idea.

And now this week’s EYE CANDY. Enjoy, as always:

BN ….. Who promises next week’s edition will be bigger, longer and uncut!
