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She’s turning into the Betty Davis of our time…

After recovering from a wacky Halloween in New York City (where I ended up missing incredible drama at Courtney Love’s party), I was headed for a relatively rebuilt New Orleans. While the city is still at only a 1/5 of where it was, the spirit amongst the locals is strong with vendors in the Quarter slashing prices and really making it a good deal for the tourists.

I spent a good deal of time at the blackjack tables in Harrahs this trip, as the weather wasn’t really much to write home about and the casino was impressively empty. No smoke. No screaming. A great place to play. I walked out with their money, which is always a good sign.

While walking down Decatur, I bumped into the LUSH store (always dangerous) and restocked on some shampoo, all while converting my friend with me as a newfound LUSH junkie. It doesn’t look like much online, but when you get the product and realize how incredibly fresh it is, you won’t ever go back to shampoo and soap made with all processed chemicals. My current must-haves include ‘Snow Fairy’ shampoo and ‘Rockstar’ soap. Both smell fantastic, but unfortunately the soap won’t make your schlong as big as Tommy Lee’s.

If you wander into the New Orleans location, ask for Jenna. Tell her you read 15 Minutes and she’ll give you 15% off your total.

Spent some time talking myself out of buying two original Keith Haring line-drawings at a gallery on Dauphine. My friend thought they were overpriced (I agreed), but there’s always been something about Haring’s work that is incredibly moving in its simplicity. I love it. I’ve been looking for a small, original (or limited litho) Warhol as well, but due to the current state of his estate and their inability to declare anything original, I’m waiting on that.

From the rainy days of the Big Easy to the practically perfect sunny skies of Los Angeles, I spent a few days in California as well, enjoying the never-ending sunshine and fall temperatures.

I’ve mentioned it before on this very blog that I could never live in LA: It’s a placid and somewhat plastic city with very little appreciation for culture. This recent trip changed that notion for me somewhat, replacing my negative feelings for the ‘scene’ with some great people who really made me feel at-home. I caught up with Brandon Baker, Angel Benton, Rusty for the Cybersocket after-party at Falcon (for the adult webmasters convention in town). It was chill, laid-back and I met some really good people, while working on my camera ready smile (everyone seemed to have a digital cam… Go figure).

For the scandalous details, head over to Brandon’s blog… One of the most entertaning and well-written out there. Brandon is GOOD PEOPLE!

Will, the thrill

Willam Belli was gigging on the new CW reality show ‘Seach for a Pussycat Doll,’ and invited me to sit & spy on the meanderings. Lill’ Kim and Mark McGrath were involved in the show, but my impatience got the best of me and we ended up going to Fubar. From there, we ended up at some really interesting (and fun) leather bar. We ended up at a place called HotDog, where, of course, there were male strippers dressed in hotdog outfits.

… and me without my mustard and celery salt…

After a night of debauchery, we ended up nearly running over local celebutant and socialite-extraordinare Jonathan Chang, who was most gracious in introducing himself. Since we didn’t leave Toyota emblem imprints on his ass, he promised not to sue. SCORE!

All-in-all, I’d say that LA is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. No disrespect. I had a blast visiting and can’t wait to get back (very soon methinks).

A new and rather cool feature on this blog can be found on the upper-left menu: ‘BN Pics’ which is a temporary home for my images until I get things finalized on my homesite for archiving. Check it out! It’s quick loading and a rather nice waste of time. Enjoy!

I’m also keeping the real-time chat box at the end of every blog from now on. I like that it adds a new level of interactivity, while allowing people to talk openly with each other. It looks as if it’s becoming the new! Hookups galore. Scroll down to the very bottom of this posting to see what I’m yakking about.

Keep an eye out for my writing on Dan Savage’s ‘The Stranger,’ as well as in upcoming editions of LA’s Frontiers Magazine.

Congrats to the guys at Rentboy for taking what could have been a very small cruise and turning it into a powerhouse of sex-worker and porn-star happenings! It looks like this upcoming boat to Ensenada will prove to be too-hot for some on-board, but be assured that I’ve got my eyes and ears on this one and will have the hottest sex, groping and gossip direct to my readers.

Speaking of gossip…

What singular sex-industry twink is seriously addicted to emotion-curing Botox? My sources tell me that this kid has gotten so much of the stuff, going to different docs to satisfy his craving, that he’s currently having issues keeping his eyes fully open! While he may pass for his very early ‘20s, when the stuff wears off, it’s more than apparent that he’s actually pushing 30. Maybe he should give Paula Abdul a call to see what her advice would be for mismanaging his injection schedule…

Is free-form silicone the new way to avoid the gym? I think not. It seems as if this boy-wonder of an escort is cutting down on his bench press and cutting up on injecting himself with this rather poisonous material in hopes of ‘creating’ the look of muscularity. The problem becomes that no matter how well you may sculpt, it’s still soft feeling and ru
mor has it that his clientele are complaining that his ‘bubble butt’ can be moved down his leg. YUCKO!

It’s about fucking time Brittany.

I’d say the same thing to Neil Patrick Harris, but did his ‘coming out’ really shock anyone?

Without further ado, this week’s EYE CANDY…

Through the remainder of this month, I’ll be splitting my time between London and Milan. I’m back on 12/3, but should be posting up blogs on a regular basis, so keep feeling free to send in email, chat on the board and generally just keep yourself from any real work you need to get done.

Spreading procrastination: I do what I can for society… One person at a time.


Note: I am currently traveling overseas and probably won’t be timely with the next blog posting or so. I’ll be stateside on 12/3. I expect the next edition up and online by 12/4.
