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15mm is heading East… All the way to Italy and Greece, covering RSVP’s Med cruise for the next week. I’ll be posting regularly to TWITTER, keeping readers informed and up-to-snuff on what’s hot on the ship (and who’s not). Look for a full write-up and wrap when I’m back in the office, including pics and gossip from aboard the all-gay Holland America Westerdam.

Yeah, so i’m kinda stoked about getting to wear my new black leather hot-shorts. I’ll have someone snap a pic. It’ll be my Christmas card pic this year.

Keep an eye out for a Vegas-week wrap-up, including all the latest from Kathy Griffin’s sold-out Mandalay Bay show (and her her 15mm namecheck), as well as my eye-opening experience cruising Craigslist. I still can’t believe all that potential penis is FREE.

It was like the first time i discovered toasted bagels. Ungodly.

15mm will return to it’s regularly scheduled bitching on 8/20. Kvetch among yourselves until then. Any topic will do. I suggest anything about Lohan and her fall from mediocrity.

Until then, goodnight and goodluck…

