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Selfpic, 9/2/2007

Another posting of EYE CANDY! Look for a write-up in the next few days. I’m dishing on the industry (and what award-winning escort is giving the gift of STD for the holidays), RSVP Cruises (floating bathhouse or tepid tea-dance?), Kathy Griffin, Anna Nicole, has-been pornstar Brent Corrigan (and the fact that his EGO takes up his second bedroom) and a whole slew of other scandalous happenings.

Having just spent a week in Vegas (and still recovering from some MINDBLOWING sex romps), i’m putting some final details into the RSVP wrap-up and will post up ASAP.

DK’s site is like sweet-sweet sugar for those with a hankering for the very latest gossip, gab and grunting from the gay adult industry. Damon is THE go-to guy for Harlow-Kocis murder scandal information and has a seemingly limitless list of sources in which to pull from. Be afraid, be very afraid. KRUEZER AT NIGHT… Check it out.

