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I just spent a week in London and thanks to this pic (and the winter winds), I am now a new spokesescort for Pantene Shampoo… Look at that horrible wind-blown look I’ve got going!

However, crazy hair aside, I will say that the Diesel peacoat I’m seen wearing is rocking my socks off. Have you ever found something off-the-rack that just fits like a glove? Something that should need a little tailoring, but just fit perfectly when you put it on? Yeah, this was that coat. In a sea of black-wearing UK’ers, I was a breath of fresh red/plaid air.


I’ve started writing up my trip, as well as what’s been going on over the last month and should have it online soon. For those of you who wondered where the site went for that 12-hour period last week, if you happen to know, send me an email. LOL. Technology at it’s best folks. I checked with my webmaster, who said that it wasn’t my server. Probably a issue.

Check out this month’s issue of QVegas (Las Vegas’s premier gay weekly): It’s got a feature story on high-end working boys, of which I’m featured/interviewed. A big thanks to the Q for the well-written article. I’m also told it can be found in their online edition as well.

I took these snaps from my new laptop’s built-in webcam. Should make things easier in the future for posting some YouTube BN video, as well as letting everyone keep up with my evolving hair length (which may go very short, very soon). Enjoy:

Stay tuned for more Eye Candy, gossip, travel, tech and the very latest from the always-hectic life of Benjamin… The info in my inbox includes scandalous details from Janruary’s HustlaBall, as well as a little wake-up call for the few who need it. Details to come…

