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It’s coming… It’s coming… Almost there…

Nearly a month after the last post, I continue to amuse on my photoblog, but realize that’s not nearly enough based on the emails that lambaste my good sense. I am working on a new edition of 15mm, but will post a super-duper duty Eye Candy in the next day (or, just as soon as I can edit them down, clean them up and throw em’ online).

For the time being, bookmark my Twitter, Photoblog and Gallery pages to keep up with my day-to-day exploits. At the very least, you can always count on reading some good snark, as well as regularly half-naked pics of yours truly (and which naked half shown all depends on how good the day has been).

For those who want full links, here ya go… Lazy SOB’s. *wink*

As always, I appreciate you staying tuned. Regularly scheduled programming will resume shortly.

