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Tucson. The most phallic city in the world

Breaking away from the family for a second, I spent this past weekend enjoying haven of snowbirds everywhere: Tucson. I’d been there once before, but it had been awhile, so the town was new to me and it was a truly different atmosphere from anyplace I’ve ever been. I now understand why people go apeshit over the Southwest. It’s gorgeous. Yes, it may be filled with way too many golf courses (mea culpa to the 15’s resident golf fanatics), but it’s got culture, a great liberal slant and untouched appreciation for nature.

Oh yeah, I can’t forget also having some kick ass Thai food. Who’da thunk it?

I’m headed up to NYC this weekend for an Alanis Morisette concert and to eat a real bagel (smeared with liver-sausage… Yum). Since Broaderick and Lane are flopping in ‘The Odd Couple,’ I think I might try to catch the West End transfer of ‘Woman in White,’ Andrew Lloyd Webber’s newest totally forgettable schlockfest. Who knows, I may even end up eating lunch with Alanis and forgetting all ready-made plans…

It could happen 😉

I think this was when she was back in her ‘english accent’ period

So, Madonna’s new cd is out and about, sending hundreds of thousands of young gay men into a rut. Not since the invention of hair wax, sculpted eyebrows and bed-head has the earth seen such excitement over a singular event.

I heard an advance copy of it about a month ago and, yes, while having some rather catchy hooks, the cd in general is flat and an obvious cookie-cutout of Cher’s ‘Believe’ album. The best part of Madge’s new work is that it’s mixed all the way through, with little-to-no break between songs for those who like that ‘at the club’ feel to your music. Her vocals are almost secondary to the beats, which is unsurprising considering how weak Madonna’s voice is. I’m still a little surprised that ABBA gave her permission to sample ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme’ for her new single, Hung Up, as I’ve heard that they’re rabid about not letting other artists in on their music.

I guess a little effort and a lot of money can sway anyone. I’m sure ABBA had a final say on how the sample was used in the song. The final edit of Hung Up only has about 5 seconds of actual sample.

I most certainly can’t forget some of the more interesting gossip that’s been circulating across my inbox these past couple of weeks. Ready or not, here’s the scoop:

From email I’ve received…

“I just got home from a night out with a friend of mine who’s in his early ’50s and has had some kind of wild life (he used to be a dancer at Studio 54… it’s true, I’ve seen the pictures). Anyway, he is a recovering addict who only occasionally drinks and rarely talks about his past.

Well, tonight he got a bit looped on only a couple of drinks and started talking about when he briefly left NY in 1983 to live with his cousin and a group of leftover hippies in Arizona for about 6 months.

One of his friends there was a former porn actor – he declined to name him – who would smoke pot with my friend and the commune hippies and tell them that John Travolta was his lover and that he flew out to AZ every few weeks to get high and fuck all weekend.

My friend thought the whole thing was bullshit until he went over to the guy’s apartment one weekend to sell him some pot, and who should be sitting on his sofa but John Travolta. They all got high together, and then my friend made a hasty exit when the other two started making out hot and heavy.

He’s told some nutty stories before that I thought were lies yet later proved to be true, and considering how quickly he shut up after telling this one (and refused to discuss it more), I tend to think this one may be true as well.”

Stop the presses. It’s true! Former escort-superstar and book baron Aaron Lawrence is throwing his gloves back into the ring and returning to the industry. While he’s still in hot water regarding his Russian-ultra-twink vids and won’t be returning to the production side of porn anytime soon, he will (or already is) accepting clients.

I’m addicted to Check it out. Gotta love those wacky kids who run the brand of gossip sites…

I was also sent this site and found it to be an incredibly great waste of time. Check it out

Time for this week’s Eye Candy, along with another hot, hot, hot Whackoff of the Week website (all free, all the time). Hope y’all enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed posting them up. As for the website, has been my one-stop-shop lately for free movies. They load up fast and the variety of porn is fan-friggin-tastic.

Who really needs turkey for Thanksgiving when you have all of this meat here to spare?

*evil grin*


‘The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them’ — Will Rogers
