Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Exhibit C:


Exhibit D:


Your honor, I rest my case… Even being this lean- 7% body fat- my bubble butt is still popping out of those shorts. Genetics are indeed everything (as well as 5x a week BodyPump classes, hell days on stair machines and my feeble attempts at staying away from sour candy).


Gearing up for a warm-weather winter, with most of my time being split between South America, Key West and Maui. Expect a lot more photos from beautiful Hawaii in the coming months, as it’s going to become a regular spot for my monthly travels.  I look very much forward to experiencing the ‘aloha spirit’ for myself and exploring the nooks & crannies of the islands.

NEWS FLASH: Just updated my archive gallery with some hot new pics.  Check it out HERE.

My Twitter page continues to grow, now nearly to 30k followers.  Want to see what smartass thing I’m thinking today?  Click HERE and get current.



Bundle up and always be well,




