








Perhaps it’s the third afternoon gin & tonic talking or maybe the unique way it mixed with my medication, but in a world with a severe lack of compassion for, well- just about everything- I am thankful for a lot in my life.  Thank you to those who have enriched, inspired and spent real quality time with me in not only 2012, but the eight+ years I’ve been traveling the world.  Without my circle of gents my life be something entirely different, leaving me the certainty that ‘normal’ was never in my future to begin with.  It’s because of the people I see that I exist.

For that, I am always self-aware and always thankful





And to wipe away any lingering sense of sentimentality for those who only come for the eye candy, gossip and travelogue….  Some new images.

As much as I’d like to say this Thanksgiving will include me stuffing myself, it would be a fib.  Not much for large meals anyway and my time is better spent in an airport or relaxing in some remote place in the world.  The one thing I’ve learned is that you don’t need to be sitting in front of a turkey to be thankful for all you have in life.  As evidence below, my body continues it’s transformation into a final product I’m still not quite sure of yet.  The goals I plan on always keeping are to remain flexible, lean and healthy.  I’ve seen guys at my height (6’3″) who bulk up to the point of looking monstrous and eventually, as they slack at the gym, it all just turns to flubber.  That’s definitely not the road I want to take.  As long as I’m in the ‘looks-based’ business, I’m going to look damned good:  Not only for my clients, but for myself too.

My presence on the web continues to grow, with new photos also posted in the archive:  ARCHIVE

You can follow me on Twitter, keeping up with musings and things I find interesting:  TWITTER

The Photoblog is mainly for posting naked shots, muscle progress and general travel debauchery:  PHOTOBLOG

Last, but never lesbian, is the Q&A.  Ask me anything.  It’s an anonymous way to get the answers you desire:  Q&A




