Location: Paris, France… Air France Lounge.
This won’t be a full entry, as i’m a bit crunched for time, but look for things to get back to normal with a full-posting by Wednesday evening. Patience is a virtue and VERY appreciated 🙂
Italy was jaw-dropping. I’ve never had so much fun being a tourist in a city and found the history that seeped from every pore of the place to be not only charming, but inspiring. As for Italian men, i may have found a new ‘type.’ lol. There were definitely some head-turners and as with most Europeans, all were well-dressed and in-shape. Asthetically very nice indeed.
While i’m back in the states late Wednesday, i’m out again on the weekend for a week in the USVI’s. Spending just enough time in San Antonio to wash some clothing, hit the gym and take care of odds & ends. As glamorous as my travel schedule seems, don’t be fooled… It’s tough: Socially, physically, mentally and otherwise. My advice to any escort/companion wannabes out there? Take time for YOURSELF and don’t ever sacrifice mind & body for the all-mighty dollar. While financial power can be nice, so is staying grounded. If you’re seeing the right guys, they’ll be just as concerned about things as you should be. Above all, always have fun in what you’re doing. A cliche perhaps, but it’s not too tough to make happen…
A very smallish B-lister celeb sighting in Venice: A visibly drunk Kathleen Turner asking for a pannini in St. Mark’s square and letting the guy behind the counter know ‘who she was.’ Interesting. I found more entertainment value in feeding the pigeons, as pictured above 😉 lol.
Leachery Alert! I found myself testing out the zoom on my digital cam by snapping some shots of local hotties in Italy. Look for some of these shots to hit my blog in the next couple of entries. As for my whole set of travel pics (and others that were lost in the YahooGroups debachle), look for them to debut on a more functional BenjaminNicholas.com in early December. I plan on hosting my own ‘group’ within the site, along with expanding interactive features (ie, video, chat, message center, shopping) and other surprises. While the final plan for the site isn’t yet set in stone, i am in talks with my webmaster to get things going in the right direction. Got an idea for BN.com? Why not shoot me an E and let me know: Escort@BenjaminNicholas.com
Alrighty. Time to blow on out of here. Thanks for tuning in kids and look for a new Benjamin Blogger online by Friday morning. Don’t change that channel 😉