Location: Fiji Islands

As you’re reading this, i’m probably en route to the Fiji

Islands, excitedly awaiting my arrival to get in some

serious scuba time. Fresh off of my Cayman trip, this

relative newbie to the world of PADI is wondering just how

amazing the reef will be that close to Australia.

Thanks to my trusty new digital cam be assured that LOTS of

images from this trip will be posted upon arrival back in

the states… Swimwear, Fijian life & otherwise *wink*

Lately i’ve been tinkering with the idea of doing something

with CruisingForSex.com in some form or another. Not porn

mind you, but some sort of weekly (possibly daily) column.

I want to expand on my writing skills, which have seriously

taken a fall from my college days. Once an editor of a

university newspaper, this kid wants to get back into the

swing of things… Journalistically speaking. I’m open to

ideas & hoping to get some, so if anyone reading has

anything to throw into the hat, email me

(Escort@BenjaminNicholas.com) and let me know.

What would you read? What subject matter would matter

most? I’m interested, so let me know.

Seems my smallish boycott of Guys4Rent turned a little

larger than expected when HooBoy (www.Male4Malescorts.com)

reprinted a portion of my newsletter regarding that

particular incident. In any event, this matter got more

eyes than ever intended with a huge ‘thanks’ to HooBoy &

everyone associated with his reviews site for the support

and posting. Don’t get the newsletter? Sign up on my

YAHOO GROUPS site for this free way to get new images, news

& communicate with others in the escorting industry:


Next week’s ‘blog will be posted a bit late due to the fact

that i’m not back in the states until the 29th. Looking

forward to sharing some images and memories when i get back.

Thanks again for dropping by & reading. I’m always

appreciative of a captive audience *wink*



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